2010 Garden Harvest

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I have added a static page on the site of my harvest for 2010. Check back to see what else I've managed to grow. This year is turning out to be a great year for a vegetable garden. I haven't had to water once, and the garden is growing fast and thick. The old garden is not doing as well, it's been staying too wet and the plants are not able to stand, and some are even rotting a bit. That highlights the point I made before about raised bed gardens being superior in some ways.

Harvest_2010_1 Harvest_2010_2 Check it out here: Harvest 2010

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Amanda said:

YAY!!! Our garden is really sprouting!!! Our little box of love plants..lol:P btw..that knife looks a bit scary..

Andrew said:

What's so scary about it? :P

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This page contains a single entry by Andrew published on August 3, 2010 10:08 PM.

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